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I figured it out! The no cd issue- To start off, I'm running this game on a 2021 Macbook Air using Daemon Lite and Crossover. One major drawback is the lack of a “campaign” game, where one might string together a career as a successful park manager. There several scenarios available with a wide range of difficulties and challenges on top of the many free-play maps available. Overall, Zoo Tycoon is a fun game that will appeal to planners, strategists and city-builders. Filling your park with amenities to keep guests happy is much easier, and you're far less prone to waste your money on screw-ups. The most time-consuming part of gameplay is tweaking your enclosures: while there is immediate feedback from animals in the form of increases and decreases to their happiness, the detailed “keeper” report refreshes more slowly, which can lead to the biggest in-game waste of money, especially since you have to build exhibits around animals rather than planning them in advanced. Of course, this is because most accredited zoos operate on public and private grants, donations, trusts and taxes rather than stuffed animal sales and elephant rides. The resultant zoos are an amusing paradox: animal habitats will be far more natural and enrichment-filled than what you would see in a typical zoo, while the spectacular theme park trappings also exceed what would be deemed acceptable or appropriate with a typical zoo. The latter perhaps has undue weight, as your zoo is principally funded by ticket revenues and concession sales. Your goals are two-fold in Zoo Tycoon: create enclosures that would make your animals content and offer amenities to keep your guests content.

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The results are a fun, if somewhat fiddly, experience.

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Additionally, it adds a more-than-thin veneer of educational value by including write-ups on the dozens of animals available and mechanics that reward matching species with their appropriate environments. Zoo Tycoon takes the classic “city-building” strategy game gameplay and transplants it to the design and operation of private zoos.

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